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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Morality Quiz

Morality refers to ethical issues - principles of right and wrong conduct - as well as instances of real behaviour - the manner in which individuals comply more or less fully with such standards.

Time has a Morality Quiz which offers some of the dilemmas used to study human morality. Here's an example:

It's war time, and you're hiding in a basement with a group of other people. Enemy soldiers are approaching outside and will be drawn to any sound. If you're found, you'll all be killed immediately.

A baby hiding with you starts to cry loudly and cannot be stopped. Smothering it to death is the only way to silence it, saving the lives of everyone in the room. Could you be the one who smothered it if no one else would?

55% Said they could!

Take the Morality Quiz to see how you compare to others.

(via Neatorama)

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